Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Oct 18, 2019
Client Rights
- The Confidential handling of records
- Participation in the development of client’s treatment plan
- Having an Individualized, written treatment plan within 30 days of admission to Ascend Psychological Services, PLLC
- Having all civil rights, including the right to dispose of property, execute instruments, make purchases, enter into contractual relationships, register, and vote, bring civil actions, and marry and get a divorce unless the exercise of a civil right has been precluded by an unrevoked adjudication of incompetency
- To dignity, humane care, and freedom from mental and physical abuse, neglect, and exploitation
- To treatment, including access to medical care and habilitation, regardless of age or degree of mh/dd/sa disability.
- To receive the necessary treatment for the prevention of physical ailments.
- To live as normally as possible while receiving care and treatment and receive age-approprate treatment for diagnosis.
- To have opportunities that enable the individual to mature physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and vocationally to include special education and training in accordance with state and federal law.
- To be free for unnecessary medications and for medication not to be used for punishment, discipline, or staff convenience
- Notification that release / disclosure of information may only occur with an authorization or consent unless it is an emergency or for other exceptions as detailed in G.S. or 164.512 of HIPPA
- Right to only release minimum information necessary for coordination of care and services
- Access to a clinician in the case of emergency
- Effective communication while receiving care, treatment, and services, including any complaints about patient care
- The right to consent to or to refuse treatment
- The right to contact the Governor’s Advocacy for persons with Disabilities (GACPD) to protect and advocate for my rights
Disability Rights North Carolina:
Phone: 1-919-856-2195 or 1-877-235-4210
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Disability Rights, 3724 Nation Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 27612
Fax: 919-856-2244